Release Notes

Djrill practices semantic versioning. Among other things, this means that minor updates (1.x to 1.y) should always be backwards-compatible, and breaking changes will always increment the major version number (1.x to 2.0).

Upcoming Changes in Djrill 2.0

Djrill 2.0 is under development and will include some breaking changes. Although the changes won’t impact most Djrill users, the current version of Djrill (1.4) will try to warn you if you use things that will change. (Warnings appear in the console when running Django in debug mode.)

Djrill Admin site

Djrill 2.0 will remove the custom Djrill admin site. It duplicates information from Mandrill’s dashboard, most Djrill users are unaware it exists, and it has caused problems tracking Django admin changes.

Drill 1.4 will report a DeprecationWarning when you try to load the DjrillAdminSite. You should remove it from your code.

Also, if you changed Django’s INSTALLED_APPS setting to use 'django.contrib.admin.apps.SimpleAdminConfig', you may be able to switch that back to 'django.contrib.admin' and let Django handle the admin.autodiscover() for you.

Dates in merge data and other attributes

Djrill automatically converts send_at date and datetime values to the ISO 8601 string format expected by the Mandrill API.

Unintentionally, it also converts dates used in other Mandrill message attributes (such as merge_vars or metadata) where it might not be expected (or appropriate).

Djrill 2.0 will remove this automatic date formatting, except for attributes that are inherently dates (currently only send_at).

To assist in detecting code relying on the (undocumented) current behavior, Djrill 1.4 will report a DeprecationWarning for date or datetime values used in any Mandrill message attributes other than send_at. See Formatting Merge Data for other options.

DjrillMessage class

The DjrillMessage class has not been needed since Djrill 0.2. You can simply set Djrill message attributes on any Django EmailMessage object. Djrill 1.4 will report a DeprecationWarning if you are still using DjrillMessage.


The DjrillBackendHTTPError exception was replaced in Djrill 0.3 with djrill.MandrillAPIError. Djrill 1.4 will report a DeprecationWarning if you are still importing DjrillBackendHTTPError.

Change Log

Version 1.4:

  • Django 1.8 support
  • Support new Django 1.8 EmailMessage reply_to param. (Specifying a Reply-To header still works, with any version of Django, and will override the reply_to param if you use both.)
  • Include Mandrill error response in str(MandrillAPIError), to make errors easier to understand.
  • More-helpful exception when using a non-JSON-serializable type in merge_vars and other Djrill message attributes
  • Deprecation warnings for upcoming 2.0 changes (see above)

Version 1.3:

  • Use Mandrill secure https API endpoint (rather than http).
  • Support merge_language option (for choosing between Handlebars and Mailchimp templates).

Version 1.2:

  • Support Django 1.7; add testing on Python 3.3, 3.4, and PyPy
  • Bug fixes

Version 1.1:

Version 1.0:

Version 0.9:

  • Better handling for “cc” and “bcc” recipients.
  • Allow all extra message headers in send. (Mandrill has relaxed previous API restrictions on headers.)

Version 0.8:

Version 0.7:

Version 0.6:

  • Support for signed webhooks

Version 0.5:

Version 0.4:

Version 0.3:

  • Attachments are now supported
  • Mandrill templates are now supported
  • A bcc address is now passed to Mandrill as bcc, rather than being lumped in with the “to” recipients. Multiple bcc recipients will now raise an exception, as Mandrill only allows one.
  • Python 3 support (with Django 1.5)
  • Exceptions should be more useful: djrill.NotSupportedByMandrillError replaces generic ValueError; djrill.MandrillAPIError replaces DjrillBackendHTTPError, and is now derived from requests.HTTPError. (New exceptions are backwards compatible with old ones for existing code.)

Version 0.2:

  • MANDRILL_API_URL is no longer required in
  • Earlier versions of Djrill required use of a DjrillMessage class to specify Mandrill-specific options. This is no longer needed – Mandrill options can now be set directly on a Django EmailMessage object or any subclass. (Existing code can continue to use DjrillMessage.)